How the BBC - The Biased Broadcasting Corporation - twisted the Irish anti EU superstate vote.

I can answer that question straight off - “NO!” The Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet is quoted as saying, "The no vote is not an Irish problem, it is a European problem. If the whole of Europe had voted, the result would have been the same as in Ireland." The BBC, if it even noticed that, certainly didn’t report it ! Well they wouldn’t would they ? It doesn’t fit in with their left-wing, europhile institutional bias. Christina Speight =================== DAILY MAIL 21.6.08 Peter Oborne Will the BBC keep its promise? The BBC director-general Mark Thompson recently made the very courageous admission that the Corporation's political coverage has long been systematically biased in favour of the political elite driving forward the European Union. He promised to change this culture, and I do not doubt his good faith. However, this pro-federalist bias continues to exist, as was shown by last week's reporting of the Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. The BBC emphasised that just three million voters, out of 420 million across Europe, had said 'No' to the Lisbon Treaty. The implication was that they were not justified in holding up further progress - just the spin Brussels wanted. I never heard a BBC commentator pointing out the Irish were the only ones given the chance to vote, and that the British and (I suspect) every other country would have voted the same.


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Revelation 22:7

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