More on the American left's plan to silence all opposition voices. Your chance to do something about it!

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Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Senator Jim DeMint is planning to FORCE a vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act (S. 34) - a bill that will STOP the FCC and the Obama Administration from imposing the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" and SILENCING Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other conservative voices on talk radio!

     And DeMint plans to FORCE the vote THIS WEEK... possibly HOURS from the time you read this urgent appeal.

     According to Sen. DeMint:

"I intend to seek a vote on this amendment so every senator is on record. We'll find out if they support free speech, or want to silence the voices that disagree with them."

     Make no mistake, your calls and faxes on this issue are having a tremendous impact! In addition to DeMint forcing a vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act, the Obama Administration - in an attempt to quell your growing opposition - issued a statement just days ago suggesting there are no plans to impose to so-called "Fairness Doctrine."

     So wait a minute! Why would DeMint and conservative legislators STILL want to FORCE A VOTE? If the Obama Administration says it does not plan to impose the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," haven't we won?

     The answer is unfortunately NO!

     Liberals are INTENSIFYING THEIR EFFORTS, behind the scenes, to silence conservative talk radio!

     Here's what The American Spectator says:

"Well, not so fast. When one reads between the lines a bit, it suddenly becomes unclear whether President Obama really opposes these censorship policies as much as he would like people to believe."

     And according to Jordan Sekulow with the American Center for Law and Justice:

"While we [ACLJ] view the recent remarks by President Obama's spokesperson with cautious optimism, rejection of the Fairness Doctrine is rejection of a polarizing term and not of the underlying principles behind it. For President Obama to silence the drumbeat of opposition against the Fairness Doctrine, he must personally denounce not only the words 'Fairness Doctrine,' but also the policies mirroring it. He could end the outcry simply by publicly instructing the new FCC Chairman not to take any steps towards the reimplementation of any form of the Fairness Doctrine, regardless of name, and telling Congress that if legislation with similar intentions crosses his desk in the future, he will veto it."

     And that is precisely WHY we need to FINISH THE JOB RIGHT NOW!

     But here's the best part; now that Obama SAYS he has no plans to impose the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" - Senate liberals have NO excuse TO OBSTRUCT A FAIR UP OR DOWN VOTE on the Broadcaster Freedom Act!

     There is no wiggle room! Senators who try to block DeMint's efforts essentially will be making Barack Obama into a LIAR and telling the world that they really do stand in opposition to the First Amendment!

     But you MUST push the point because there are undoubtedly liberals in the Senate who are hoping and praying that you'll simply let this issue go so they can sweep it under the rug and wait a month or so - when the heat will have died down - and proceed, as planned, to silence conservative speech!

     And THAT'S NOT WHAT WE WANT. We want the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" DEAD... a stake driven through its evil heart. And that why we MUST FINISH the job!

     Let's DARE our elected officials to oppose the Broadcaster Freedom Act. Please do it NOW because time is running short before the Senate votes!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the Republican and Democrat Leadership of the United States Senate! Now that Obama has claimed he has no plans to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," DARE them to oppose the Broadcaster Freedom Act.

Demand that they either explain to the American people why they fear and loath the First Amendment, or stop their obstruction and bring the Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009 to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote. Let the American people know which of our elected officials support the First Amendment and which do not!

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Don't Pop The Champagne Corks Just Yet!

     Liberals are STILL pushing and working behind the scenes to silence conservative opinions on the airwaves and the Internet.

     According to another recent report by The American Spectator:

"Senior FCC staff working for acting Federal Communications Commissioner Michael Copps held meetings … with policy and legislative advisers to House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman to discuss ways the committee can create openings for the FCC to put in place a form of the 'Fairness Doctrine' without actually calling it such."

     But it gets worse!

     According to The American Spectator, Waxman may be going after conservative speech on the Internet as well:

“Waxman is also interested, say sources, in looking at how the Internet is being used for content and free speech purposes. … Do four stations in one region carry Rush Limbaugh, and nothing else during the same time slot? Does one heavily trafficked Internet site present one side of an issue and not link to sites that present alternative views? These are some of the questions the chairman is thinking about right now, and we are going to have an FCC that will finally have the people in place to answer them."

     Think about that for a moment.

     Supporters of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” actually want:

          Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. the media and groups like CFIF to become propaganda arms for the Obama Administration and liberal government policies; or

          Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. all of us to just shut up!

     Both of those solutions are not only unacceptable, they are UNAMERICAN!

     That's exactly why conservatives in Congress introduced the Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009 (S. 34), and that's why we must push this battle to the end!

     According to DeMint:

"The bill would prevent the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, which would suppress free speech by requiring the government to monitor political views and decide what constitutes fair political discourse."

We must go on OFFENSE RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW! We must bombard our elected officials with Blast Faxes and demand they support the Broadcaster Freedom Act NOW!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the Republican and Democrat Leadership of the United States Senate! Now that Obama has claimed he has no plans to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," DARE them to oppose the Broadcaster Freedom Act.

Demand that they either explain to the American people why they fear and loath the First Amendment, or stop their obstruction and bring the Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009 to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote. Let the American people know which of our elected officials support the First Amendment and which do not!

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And It Gets Worse!

     Not only do supporters of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” want to censor all content you read on the Internet, hear on the radio and watch on your television…

     … According to the same American Spectator story above, Waxman and the gang want to go even further to ensure they achieve their goals.

“[Acting FCC Chairman] Copps has been a supporter of putting in place policies that would allow the federal government to have greater oversight over the content that TV and radio stations broadcast to the public, and both the FCC and Waxman are looking to licensing and renewal of licensing as a means of enforcing ‘Fairness Doctrine’ type policies without actually using the hot-button term ‘Fairness Doctrine.’"

“One idea Waxman's committee staff is looking at is a congressionally mandated policy that would require all TV and radio stations to have in place 'advisory boards' that would act as watchdogs to ensure 'community needs and opinions' are given fair treatment. Reports from those advisory boards would be used for license renewals and summaries would be reviewed at least annually by FCC staff.”

     Congressionally mandated advisory boards of community watchdogs to control media content?

     Sound familiar?

     It should. The Soviet Union used to call them commissars... political officers... politruk!

     To put it another way, can you actually envision ACORN-like "advisory boards" acting as "community watchdogs" over Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham... dictating, through the station owners that carry their shows, what they can or cannot say?

     And just in case you're thinking that such a scenario sounds a little far-fetched, according to the same Spectator article:

“Also involved in ‘brainstorming’ on [the] ‘Fairness Doctrine’ and online monitoring has been the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, which has published studies pressing for the Fairness Doctrine, as well as the radical, which has been speaking to committee staff about policies that would allow them to use their five to six million person database to mobilize complaints against radio, TV or online entities they perceive to be limiting free speech or limiting opinion.”

     So there you have it. If supporters of the "Fairness Doctrine" get their way, you will only be able to read, watch or listen to content dictated by the likes of

     It was not too long ago that we only had to fight attempts to silence conservatives on talk radio.

     With liberals now in control of both the Executive and Legislation branches of our government, it would appear that “Fairness Doctrine” supporters are saying “Why Stop There?”

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the Republican and Democrat Leadership of the United States Senate! Now that Obama has claimed he has no plans to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," DARE them to oppose the Broadcaster Freedom Act.

Demand that they either explain to the American people why they fear and loath the First Amendment, or stop their obstruction and bring the Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009 to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote. Let the American people know which of our elected officials support the First Amendment and which do not!

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Obama Also Told Us: "You Can't Just Listen To Rush Limbaugh And Get Things Done."

     In light of that statement, do you really believe that Obama is opposed to silencing criticism of his far-left agenda?

     Remember! It was an Obama spokesman who first told us that there was no pork in the nearly $1 trillion "stimulus package" recently passed by Congress.

     And, if that recent fight over the so-called "stimulus package" taught us anything it is that the liberals controlling Congress – led by Nancy Pelosi – will stop at nothing to get what they want. Make no mistake: they have made very clear their desire to silence conservative dissent.

     You can be certain that despite the public rhetoric, liberals will press ahead with efforts to impose the “Fairness Doctrine.” Maybe they won’t call it the “Fairness Doctrine,” but the result will be the same… or worse!


     Liberals already control the major television networks and newspapers. The thorn in their side is conservative talk radio and the Internet... THEY MUST CONTROL THEM TOO!

     Liberal columnist Bill Press recently lamented in a Washington Post column that greedy radio station owners are conspiring to shut down liberal voices on the radio.

     Of course, that's an outright falsehood. Conservative talk radio is popular precisely because it is one of the ONLY broadcast mediums today where conservative voices and opinions CAN be heard.

     Press doesn't like the fact that conservative talk radio is so popular and states without equivocation:

"And that must change. Not necessarily by bringing back the Fairness Doctrine, but by requiring owners of broadcast licenses to serve the general public. We need government oversight by the FCC of radio station owners..." [Emphasis Mine]

     But you haven't heard it all. Press goes on to disingenuously say:

"Forget all the right-wing hysteria about liberals trying to 'hush Rush.' What the whole flap over the Fairness Doctrine boils down to is this: Companies are given a license to operate public airwaves – free! – in order to make a profit, yes, but also, according to the terms of their FCC license... Stations are not operating in the public interest when they offer only conservative talk. Make room for progressive voices on the radio. That's what the American people want. How do you like that, Mr. Hannity?"

     Allow me to translate:

The GOVERNMENT OWNS the airwaves and the GOVERNMENT determines what the people want. Don't give me any of that hogwash about liberal talk-radio failing on a national level and don't stand there and tell me that something as arbitrary as ratings are any indication of what the public wants. The American people are too stupid to know what they want. The American people are too stupid to know what is in the public interest. The American people are hysterical right-wing morons and we (liberals) need to tell them what they want to see and hear!

     But don't take our word for it. Camille Paglia, a raging leftist academician who, to be totally fair, often exhibits intellectual honesty put it this way:

“Too many Democrats have become arrogant elitists, speaking down in snide, condescending tones toward tradition-minded middle Americans whom they stereotype as rubes and buffoons. But the bottom line is that government surveillance of the ideological content of talk radio is a shocking first step toward totalitarianism. ... let's get real: Liberals have been pathetic flops on national radio... Instead of bleating for paternalistic government intervention, liberals should get their own act together. Radio is a populist medium where liberals come across as snide, superior scolds.” [Emphasis Mine]

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the Republican and Democrat Leadership of the United States Senate! Now that Obama has claimed he has no plans to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," DARE them to oppose the Broadcaster Freedom Act.

Demand that they either explain to the American people why they fear and loath the First Amendment, or stop their obstruction and bring the Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009 to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote. Let the American people know which of our elected officials support the First Amendment and which do not!

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It's A Full Court Press!

     Press isn't the only one on the left talking about "government surveillance of the ideological content of talk radio."

     Clearly Waxman, Pelosi and other liberals in Congress are preparing to gang up on free speech and bludgeon it to death with blunt instruments – all in the name of Mom, apple pie, and fairness.

     Pardon the pun, but in recent weeks, liberals have instituted a full court press on free speech.

     Upon reading Press' column, Senator Tom Harkin could not contain his glee.

     Harkin told Press:

“By the way, I read your Op-Ed in the Washington Post, I took it into my office and said 'there you go, we gotta get the Fairness Doctrine back in law again.’"

     Bill Clinton, while on the Mario Solis Marich radio show, recently said:

"Well, you either ought to have the Fairness Doctrine or we ought to have more balance on the other side, because essentially there’s always been a lot of big money to support the right wing talk shows and let’s face it, you know, Rush Limbaugh is fairly entertaining even when he is saying things that I think are ridiculous….”

     During that show, Clinton also lambasted the "blatant drumbeat" against the Obama-Pelosi so-called "stimulus bill."

     Get it? Liberals are hopping mad because AM radio actually permitted the truth to be told!

     Every good leftist knows that if you are going to socialize health-care and nationalize the banking industry and totally transform a country into a Socialist Nation, you MUST control the media!

     Liberal Senator Debbie Stabenow recently told Bill Press:

“I think it’s absolutely time to pass a standard. Now, whether it’s called the Fairness Standard, whether it’s called something else — I absolutely think it’s time to be bringing accountability to the airwaves. I mean, our new president has talked rightly about accountability and transparency. You know, that we all have to step up and be responsible. And, I think in this case, there needs to be some accountability and standards put in place.”

     Press then asked Stabenow if she would push for Senate hearings.

"Can we count on you to push for some hearings in the United States Senate this year, to bring these owners in and hold them accountable?"

     Stabenow responded:

"I have already had some discussions with colleagues and, you know, I feel like that’s gonna happen. Yep."

     Later, the liberal media came to Stabenow's rescue and it was reported that she was "backing down" from that statement.

But how does one "back down" from: "I have already had some discussions with colleagues..."?

     By the way, Stabenow's husband, Tom Athans, is a co-founder of Air America, the left-wing Al Franken radio network that went bankrupt because the American people already get enough left-wing propaganda from the major television networks, the print media and government controlled PBS and NPR.

     Make no mistake, liberal elites intend to effectively take over the media and SILENCE conservative voices on talk radio and the Internet. If we are going to STOP them, the time to TAKE ACTION is NOW!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama and each and every Member of the Republican and Democrat Leadership of the United States Senate! Now that Obama has claimed he has no plans to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," DARE them to oppose the Broadcaster Freedom Act.

Demand that they either explain to the American people why they fear and loath the First Amendment, or stop their obstruction and bring the Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009 to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote. Let the American people know which of our elected officials support the First Amendment and which do not!

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Yours In Freedom,



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Jeff Mazzella

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He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
Psalm 126:6

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