Goodbye America, Goodbye Britain, plus Cults and Isms: True or False? Our book titles couldn’t be more appropriate for today. Now we have a special offer so you can get this vital End Times information at our lowest price. By Alan Franklin.

The cover of our End Times book, making sense of the headlines in the light of Bible prophecy.

“About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up, who will turn their attention to the prophecies, in the midst of much clamour and opposition.” Sir Isaac Newton.

Preface –Into the End Times, by Alan Franklin

Our world is full of fear.  Violence on the streets and among the nations, threats of terrorism and even nuclear war make people fearful for their futures.  There is immodesty, immorality, an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases and natural calamities like earthquakes, tidal waves and hurricanes.

Foreboding is in the air as people dig themselves deeper into debt, currencies threaten to crumble and people look - and fail to find - a safe haven.  What sort of world are our children growing into?  Will many more generations survive as we slouch towards Gomorrah in a world stuffed with nuclear weapons - and evil men threatening to use them?  Should we buy gold, or perhaps a rural farm?  How can we be secure from the coming storm?

The title of the "Goodbye" book sounds ominous. What do we mean by “Goodbye America, Goodbye Britain”? The truth is that the two countries we love are giving away their independence, tying their futures to those of foreigners with alliances like the European Union and the soon to appear American Union, which is already being planned.

A one-world government will follow, with nation states a thing of the past. Why is this happening, when both our countries have fought wars for freedom? Why would strong countries that fear nobody voluntarily give up what they fought to defend - their cherished independence?

Is there a spiritual cause for all this, and the many other problems besetting our societies? We hope we have provided enough answers in this book to start you thinking and, hopefully, praying for the future of our nations.  It is too late to stop the impending judgement – but perhaps it can be delayed, while more souls are saved.

The media have done such a rotten job that people’s ignorance of world events is appalling and few know how precisely events line up with Bible prophecy. Few people realise that the sinister trends affecting our lives today are predicted in the Bible.

So many people know of Nostradamus, an obscure medieval occultist whose work is of such little value that I call him “Nostra-nonsense.” Yet hardly anyone knows that the Bible contains thousands of prophecies, every one of which has either already been fulfilled literally or will be, perhaps in the near future.

We relate some of the main ones in this book, particularly the predictions concerning a one-world government, a one-world money system; a one-world church and a leader who will emerge to preside over the most fearsome tyranny the world has ever seen.

We chronicle the trends leading up to the unification of great power blocks which will coalesce into the one world government. Informed patriots can at least be aware of this and warn others that time is short.

Students of Bible prophecy down through the centuries have looked for two great events to signal that history is winding down to a conclusion. Those two events, both predicted thousands of years ago, are: the revival of the old Roman Empire and the restoration of the state of Israel. Many see the EU, begun with the Treaty of Rome, as being the fulfilment of prophecy and the power block from which the one-world leader will come.

I believe that we are living in the time of which we have been warned by God’s prophets when a foul tide of evil is unleashed to engulf the globe. Read on, be warned - and ready.

People should be concerned.  Their jobs, their homes, even their countries are all at risk, as readers of this book will discover. But as fear drives us to accept big brother surveillance and governments use the threat of terrorism to justify the removal of age old freedoms, formerly Christian nations are turning to eastern religion, mysticism and mumbo jumbo for solace.  They find none. 

So will evil triumph?  Are our lives pointless and purposeless?  What hope have we?

The answer is, every hope. The Blessed Hope. Thanks to the Bible’s prophets, we know exactly what is going to happen as mankind moves towards the tumultuous end of history, the end times, the times just before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. Maranatha - come, Lord Jesus!

  • Footnote from Alan: Pat and I write and research together but I give the talks, to any church in the USA, Canada or the UK which invites me. I am taking bookings for 2015 right now and aim to be in North America in the spring. We also have many UK dates and a long visit to Israel to fit in. So if you would like a talk on prophecy, the New World Order, Antichrist and the EU, the Middle East in Bible Prophecy, Dinosaurs in the Book of Job, The Timing of the Rapture and much else, all illustrated with Powerpoint slides, please get in touch with me at



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But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars whall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
Revelation 21:8

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