Latest on the North American Union plan to abolish America. OPINION by Jeff Mazzella.

"America is finished." "Mexico and Canada are gone too. "In their place: One massive country, the North American Union (NAU), bordered by the Bering Sea to the north and Guatemala to the south, the Atlantic to the east and the Pacific to the west. "NAU citizens no longer spend dollars or salute Old Glory. They spend 'ameros,' and the flag that waves over its capitals shows the entire Western Hemisphere. President Bush, former Mexico President Vicente Fox, and former-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in March 2005 at the inaugural SPP summit. "The national borders of the United States have been forever erased. While that scenario may sound far-fetched, critics of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) warn that future could be here sooner than anyone realizes." Those are the words of John O. Edward, writing for But just in case you think Mr. Edwards is being melodramatic, here's what appeared in Monday's Washington Times: "President Bush's two-day summit with the leaders of Canada and Mexico, beginning today in nearby Montebello, is raising fears among some conservatives that the three governments are planning a European Union-style super-government." And just what are and the Washington Times writing about? In case you haven't heard -- by the time you read this letter -- President Bush will be either meeting or concluding a meeting with his counterparts from Mexico and Canada to discuss the so-called Security and Prosperity of North America (SPP). In fact, this meeting in Montebello, Canada will mark the third time the President of the United States, the President of Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada have schemed -- as they put it in their first SPP meeting (March 23, 2005) -- to "consolidate our action into a North American framework." Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 25 Blast Fax Messages to President Bush and the Republican leadership of the House and the Senate. Tell them that United States sovereignty is NOT for sale and demand they do everything within their power to put a halt to this foolishness. AOL Members Use This Hyperlink If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser. Can This Be True? Is United States Sovereignty In Jeopardy? According to the White House, the answer is "No." According to the Washington Times article referenced earlier: "The White House dismissed suspicions of a coming North American Union as a 'silly' conspiracy theory. 'Americans are going to remain Americans, Canadians are going to remain Canadians and Mexicans are going to remain Mexicans,' a senior Bush administration official said on the condition of anonymity." But others believe differently. Recently, 22 Congressmen signed a letter to President Bush protesting this SPP summit. The letter read: "As you travel to Montebello, Canada later this month for a summit with your Canadian and Mexican counterparts, we want you to be aware of serious and growing concerns in the U.S. Congress about the so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) you launched with these nations in 2005." "For instance, measures that would make it easier to move goods and people across borders could have the effect of further weakening this country's ability to secure its frontiers and prevent illegal immigration." One of the signers, Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina, added: "A couple of events I've done this week, this question did come up about the issue of open borders, and how much is this country doing to cut these arrangements with Canada and Mexico to basically give free access in and out of this country." Congressman Chris Cannon of Utah added: "Any time you're talking with another country about how you do things, by nature you're giving up sovereignty... If we're going to enter into agreements, they ought to be part of a ratifiable process. You want the Senate involved in ratifying them." Longtime conservative activist Howard Phillips said: "We're not getting a North American Union overnight, but it's headed in that direction incrementally." But possibly the most direct statement came from Jerome Corsi, writing for "[SPP] is an attempt to turn North America into something like the European Economic Community, which began with economic cooperation and expanded eventually to include a common market, and then a full-scale regional government replacing, in many ways, the governing powers of the member nations." Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 25 Blast Fax Messages to President Bush and the Republican leadership of the House and the Senate. Tell them that United States sovereignty is NOT for sale and demand they do everything within their power to put a halt to this foolishness. AOL Members Use This Hyperlink If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser. What Did They Mean By The Phrase "Consolidate Our Action Into A North American Framework?" After the first SPP summit in March of 2005, President Bush, former Mexico President Vicente Fox, and former-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin released a joint statement saying in effect that it was their hope that their meeting would "consolidate our action into a North American framework." What does that deliberately vague phrase mean? Two months after the initial SPP plotting session in 2005, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) -- a group that for decades has been pushing globalism -- published a 59-page report that outlined the steps necessary for the formation of a North American Union to replace the three independent nations. This blueprint for the abolition of America called for "the establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community," among other things, to "facilitate the freer flow of people within North America." (At least such a move would eliminate illegal immigration... it wouldn't be illegal any more.) And here's the scary part: The report demanded an "open border for the movement of goods and people," for a huge increase in foreign aid to Mexico, and for a Super Court to take care of "North American dispute resolution." But wait, there's more! One month after the CFR report appeared, Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Richard Lugar held a hearing to promote the ideas of Robert Pastor -- vice chairman of the CFR Task Force that produced the 59-page blueprint for the surrender of United States sovereignty. In his testimony before the Senate, Pastor revealed further details of CFR plans for a "continental perimeter" -- a common North American border with no national borders in between. What he described was A SUPER STATE modeled after the European Union, which would eventually demand a common currency. As Pastor himself put it: "What we need to do, is forge a new North American Community...." Pastor also talked about "an integrated continental plan for transportation and infrastructure that includes new North American highways and high-speed rail corridors." Under such a North American Union, the world's only Superpower would meld with a near-socialist country and a third-world nation to form a mediocre union in which the two lesser economies, like leeches, would drain the Superpower's life's blood. Thus, if approved, SPP would accomplish what the Nazis, the Soviet Union, and radical Islam failed to do: it would strip the United States of its great power and wealth. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 25 Blast Fax Messages to President Bush and the Republican leadership of the House and the Senate. Tell them that United States sovereignty is NOT for sale and demand they do everything within their power to put a halt to this foolishness. AOL Members Use This Hyperlink If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser. Evolution By Stealth! If you want a smoking gun, take a look at what Judicial Watch obtained from a previous meeting -- hush-hush and closed to observers. Their freedom of information request yielded this notation by a Pentagon drone: "While a vision is appealing, working on the infrastructure might yield more benefit and bring more people on board ('evolution by stealth')." "[E]volution by stealth"? Is that what's going on here? The same "stealth" tactics also are obvious in the building of the NAFTA Super Highway -- a FOUR FOOTBALL FIELDS-WIDE uber-freeway -- that is designed to pave the way for an invasion of Mexican 18-wheelers carrying who knows what! But wait a minute! Jeffrey N. Shane, Undersecretary of Transportation for Policy at the U.S. Department of Transportation testified before Congress that plans to build this NAFTA superhighway are "an urban legend" -- a made-up story, a lie! Is that so? Congressman Ted Poe of Texas said: "Mr. Shane was either blissfully ignorant or he may have been less than candid with the committee." In February, Jerome Corsi reported in Human Events that: "One hundred Mexican trucking companies will have unlimited access to U.S. roads to haul international cargo as part of a year-long pilot program, the Department of Transportation announced..." Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 25 Blast Fax Messages to President Bush and the Republican leadership of the House and the Senate. Tell them that United States sovereignty is NOT for sale and demand they do everything within their power to put a halt to this foolishness. AOL Members Use This Hyperlink If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser. And Our Borders Are Still Open. Several months ago we reported to you that Ted Kennedy's amnesty bill -- the one that was drafted in SECRET with Senators John McCain, Trent Lott, Lindsey Graham and others... the one you and other concerned Americans beat down -- initially contained the following provision? "It is the sense of Congress that the United States and Mexico should accelerate the implementation of the Partnership for Prosperity to help generate economic growth and improve the standard of living in Mexico." When we alerted you to that provision, it disappeared pretty quickly. In fact it disappeared before most people even knew it existed! But there were other provisions as well: Welfare for Mexico for education and vocational training. An endorsement of better healthcare for "poor and underserved" Mexicans. Assistance to "establish a program with the private sector to cover the healthcare needs of Mexican nationals temporarily employed in the United States." And this one will really frost you: United States assistance to Mexican businesses and government to eliminate "the single biggest obstacle to development" -- corruption. O.K. The bill didn't pass -- you stopped it. But guess what the Big Three are talking about in Montebello. Providing troops to Mexico to help the government down there in its war against the drug lords! That's really laughable when you consider that right now, our government is pulling National Guard troops -- the troops that were sent months ago with great fanfare to help the border patrol -- off our southern border. So... it's okay to send American troops -- brave young men and women selflessly willing to risk their lives for this great country -- to Mexico to look for drug pushers, but it's NOT okay to leave them on the border? Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 25 Blast Fax Messages to President Bush and the Republican leadership of the House and the Senate. Tell them that United States sovereignty is NOT for sale and demand they do everything within their power to put a halt to this foolishness. AOL Members Use This Hyperlink If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser. But There's More To It Than A Game Of Troop Musical Chairs! Perhaps you heard the news. According to, the recently announced efforts to crack-down on employers that knowingly hire illegal aliens may be nothing more than a dog-and-pony show: "Days after unveiling a major crackdown on businesses that hire illegal immigrants, the Bush administration is now quietly admitting that its most heavily touted weapon in pursuing employers will be virtually useless." "At the heart of the new rules announced last week is toughened Homeland Security enforcement of so-called 'no match' letters - which the Social Security Administration sends to companies when employees have questionable identification numbers. "But Homeland Security officials acknowledged this week that because of a privacy provision in the Internal Revenue Service code, immigration officials will actually have no way of knowing which employers have received 'no-match' letters, which have complied and which have not." And to add insult to injury, according to the Associated Press: "[T]he Census Bureau wants immigration agents to suspend enforcement raids during the population count, the Census Bureau's second-ranking official said in an Associated Press interview." Last month the American people resoundingly told our elected officials that we wanted no amnesty for illegal aliens. But it seems our elected officials still have not gotten the message. We must send that message yet again, right here and right now. Only you, together with your fellow CFIF activists and other concerned Americans, can put a stop to this madness! Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 25 Blast Fax Messages to President Bush and the Republican leadership of the House and the Senate. Tell them that United States sovereignty is NOT for sale and demand they do everything within their power to put a halt to this foolishness. AOL Members Use This Hyperlink If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser. Yours In Freedom, Jeff Mazzella President P.S. Please forward this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends. The CFIF Action Alert is a service to the conservative community. If you would like to subscribe please go to If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please go to . You are subscribed at the email address Please use this address when unsubscribing. You must use the correct e-mail address to discontinue your membership. Please do not reply directly to this message. 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For many will come in My name saying, 'I am the Christ' (the word Christ means the anointed one), and will mislead many. (This is happening now. Famous preachers claim they 'have the anointing' and that you too can be like Christ and 'have the anointing.' These men fill huge stadiums and many are indeed misled by them.)
Matthew 24:5

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